1 m3 firewood box

Beech, hornbeam, oak, birch kiln dried logs packed in a wooden box with a volume of 1 m3. We load 48-52 boxes on a 40 t truck. The standard length of the log is 23-25 cm, 30-33 cm, 48-50 cm.

We can make any size box, log length according to the customer's request


Price from 75 euro FCA

2 m3 firewood box

Beech, hornbeam, oak, birch kiln dried logs packed in a wooden box with a volume of 2 m3. We load 24-26 boxes on a 40 t truck. The standard length of the log is 23-25 cm, 30-33 cm, 48-50 cm.

We can make any size box, log length according to the customer's request


Price from 145 euro FCA 

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